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Final Cut of Our Opening Sequence

Here is the final cut for our opening sequence, we’ve worked really hard on it so we hope it gets graded highly.


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Name The Characters:

  • Dr Jefferson : Mr Parry
  • Aimee : Chloe Shepherd
  • Coletta : Molly Clifton

Outline Of Thriller:

Aimee (protagonist) has been attempting to drown herself. She does not go through with it. She is being haunted by Colletta (antagonist; Amiee’s conscience). Amiee cannot get rid of Colletta haunting her. Everything she does a flashback of Colletta comes back to haunt her. Aimee can’t take it anymore and results to commiting suicide to kill her conscience.

Thriller Conventions:

  • A narrative pattern of establishing enigmas which the viewer expects to be resolved. The flashbacks makes it obvious to the audience of the experiences Aimee is going through, which give a reason behind her actions at the end of the film.
  • A protagonist who is systematically dis-empowered and drawn into a complex web of intigue by the antagonist. Aimee is being pulled down by Colletta, there is no way she can be stopped.
  • Themes of mirroring. The first part of the sequence shows the protagonist’s attempt of suicide, this is mirrored at the end where she takes our her actions for a second time.
  • Themes of voyeurism. The protagonist is being watched throughout the film by the audience and the antagonist. References to mirrors are used alot to catch the action of the main character without making it obvious someone is watching her.
  • Protagonist with a ‘flaw’ which is exploited by the antagonist. The protagonist’s thoughts of her conscience is being exploited by the flashbacks that are occuring with the power of the antagonist.

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Changes To Rough Cut

We made a rough cut for our thriller project so that we could look at it after the first edit and make changes to improve the final product. We showed our first rough cut to our teacher to see what he thought we can improve, we also reviewed our first cut as a group and planned possible changes that we thought that we should make.

Here is our Thriller Rough Cut:


  • Opening- there is a slight pause before Chloe opens the bathroom door. This can easily be rectified by cutting of a fraction of the clip so it begins when Chloe is moving rather than when she is still standing still.
  • Add a close up shot of Chloe opening the door. This will have to be done when we film the ‘pick up’ shots as we do not have this footage at the moment, although this is a quick change that can be made.
  • Flash back periods to be made longer. This is important as it will make it more obvious to the viewer that Chloe is having a flashback.
  • The Use of titles and director names. We need to add in titles to the opening sequence as this is a convention of a film opening and we need to follow certain conventions in the opening.
  • Cut the first flashback where Chloe is sitting on her bed and the lights mysteriously go out. We made a group decision to cut this first flashback out completely from the opening because we felt that it was an unnessesary section that was not aiding the plot in any way.
  • Add in other noises over the top of the soundtrack. This will aid to the production as it will make the viewing more enjoyable and add to the thriller experience.
  • Cut a few frames off of certain shots in the beginning of the sequence. Some shots are too long, to change this we will just drop a few frames off of some shots which will make the production flow better.
  • Enhance Flashback. Add shots of random memories in between the flashbacks as this will make the flashback more believable, also make it clear that Chloe is having a flashback –  for example show her looking at the object that forces the flashback so the audience are aware that this is the trigger.
  • Remove fade at 0.32. This fade was unintentional and is not needed as no time has passed between the two shots.
  • At 0.42 add in jump cuts and zooms to speed up and also enhance viewing. This should create more tension for the viewer.
  • Frame Chloe’s face at 0.45. We will need to re-film this part to create better framing of Chloe, this will allow the viewer to focus more on Chloe’s heavy breathing and therefore increase the fear.
  • 0.48, remove Chloe’s first head turn. Chloe turns her head twice which makes the second time less effective.
  • 0.55, speed up Chloe turning her head. This is important as we need to create a sense of urgency for the viewer which at the moment is not there as it is too slow.
  • When Chloe turns off the radio, there should be complete silence as this will add to the editing through the absence of sound- will add suspense.
  • Move Chloe’s shocked eyes to after she turns the radio off. Re-film to make an extreme close up.
  • 1.16, remove taps. Here we break the 180 rule and also the shot is not needed as we already see Chloe washing her hands, it is insignificant.
  • 1.17, cut out speech. Somebody is talking in the background of the shot, we need to cut this sound out from the thriller.
  • 1.51 add close-ups. Here we should add in some close-ups of Chloe’s hands on the wall, Chloe’s hand in her hair etc, this will create a wider shot variety.
  • 1.56, when Chloe gets into the bath her legs are jumpy, we will need to sort this out before our final edit.
  • At the end, we need to turn up the volume of Chloe’s heartbeat. In the rough cut it is too quiet so we need to make it louder and more pronounced.
  • Overall we need a wider range of shots- we need many more close-ups as at the moment most shots are mid shots so we need more variety.

These changes above will be made for our final cut as they will improve the project and make it more enjoyable for our target audience.


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Editing Process/ Programs

To edit our Thriller Opening Sequence, the main program we used is Serif. This is because it is the only editing programme that everyone in the group is familiar with. However to create the titles we also used Sony Vegas 9, this encouraged us to use different effects that we aren’t able to use on Serif. The special effects offered by the programme helped us produce an effective title which ties in with the meaning of our title and storyline.

The main features of the program that we used is cut, fade, text, audio properties and pan and zoom. {Click picture to see larger.}

These properties helped us create the mise en scene we wanted which we weren’t able to create when filming. Also using these effects created new ideas for us, changing the perception of the film in some way, for example zooming into a part of the picture on screen helped emphasise the importance of it to the story.

Being able to add sound to the film increased the atmosphere. Sam created a soundtrack which added the extra ambiance to increase the obviousness of the genre. On serif we were able to cut the soundtrack when needed, also to change the volume on parts of the film where the sound wasn’t needed. Finally we were also able to mute the soundtrack when organising the other sound included in our film for example; sound effects and the diegetic music from the radio.

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Thriller Shooting Experience

In preperation for filming our Opening Thriller Sequence, we arranged a date that all group members could attend. The way in which we organized ourselves varied in different ways:

  • Risk Assesment: First of all, we decided on different risk assesments that we would take into account when flming. As a group, we discussed what risks we would have to think about and we wrote them down and put the ideas onto our blogs. Our risk assesment ensured we would be safe during the process of our shooting experience.
  • Costumes: We discussed what costumes we would need for the characters in the Thriller. We assigned each person with an item of clothing to bring with them on the day of filming. We also made sure we had back-up costumes prepared just incase there was a problem with the costumes.
  • Props: In terms of props, we worked out everything i already had at home as this was the setting we used for filming. We wrote down everything that i didn’t have, within the group each person bought different items we were using for the props.
  • Setting: We had decided that we would be using my house as the setting, as my bathroom was very minimalistic and this was what we needed for the setting. We made sure that my house was ready for use for the filming. 
  • Storyboard: We made sure our StoryBoard was planned out perfectly and that our whole group agreed on the shots we would be using.

During filming, we faced a few problems:

  • Our actress was late as she had other commitments. The way in which we solved this problem was we decided to plan what order we would film and set up the background, so it was ready when she arrived.
  • One of our camera’s ran out of battery so we had to waste time waiting for it to charge. If we’d of planned it better we should of made sure they were both charged.

Apart from a few little things that went wrong, the majority of the filming went really well.

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Storyline/ Setting/ Title/ Roles



  • Chloe will be playing a teenage girl, who is haunted by her conscience in a ghost form, and the ghost is from a past life.
  • Molly is playing the ghost, who haunts Chloe.
  • Sam is playing a doctor in one of Chloe’s flashbacks.

Camera work-

            I think the camera work will be done mainly by Rachel and Alex as they aren’t acting in the scenes which gives them the time to film it, and this way they will always remember what they filmed.


            We are all going to edit the video ourselves, because we all have different editing styles that we would like to use.


             Sam will be making the soundtrack using, and other sound effects and music sites.

Story Title;

            To start out we weren’t sure on our title, until we developed our whole storyline for the thriller although we wont be filming it all. Our title is ‘Mort De Conscience’, the reasons we choose to use french is because something happened to Chloe the main protagonist in a past life, hence why her conscience is haunting her, and to try get away from it she moves to france but it doesn’t help her for long.  Mort De means death in french because Chloe kills herself, and Conscience because Molly is Chloe’s Conscience in ghost form to show that she’s in her head. Another reason we used french is because we looked at other AS media thrillers and the titles were boring or dull for example: Tracker, Redemption,  Unworthy and Illegal Justice.


          Main setting of our thriller opening will be mainly in Alex’s bathroom because thats where Chloe kills herself. She also will be sitting in the bathroom before she has her flashbacks. One of the flashbacks is into a school toilets, for this we will use the lower school black as its easily accessable. Another one of the flashbacks is into a doctor’s surgery, for this we will use the medical room because its the closest thing we could get thats like a doctors. And the last flashback is  of a creepy house down Alex’s road. We also have a shot of Chloe walking down a road, for this we will use the road Alex’s lives down which is Burnway.


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Story Board

Above is the story board that we have made for our thriller opening sequence, the storyboard is complete with examples of sound effects and techniques that we are going to use at our editing stage.

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Final Story Board Photo Line Up

1. Establishing shot of girl walking into bathroom.

2. Close up of hand turning on light to bathroom.

3. Flash back of medium shot sitting in her bedroom alone reading a book on her bed.

4. Lights go out.

5. Girl screaming as she heard someone turn the light off

6. Girl goes over to turn the light back on

7. Walk back to bed heavy breathing from shock

8. Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

9. Close up to girl turning on the radio

10. Extreme close up of girls’ eyes when she hears the song that plays.

11. Flashback to her walking past the house with the same song playing.

12. Close up of girl doing the same expression as before.

13. Long shot of girl walking down the road.

14. Mid shot of girl turning round to see if anyone is behind her.

15. Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

16. Mid shot of girl walking over to the bath turning the tap on.

17. Flashback to girl turning the tap on in the school toilets.

18. Mid shot of girl looking up and seeing someone behind her.

19. Mid shot of girl looking behind her, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone there.

20. Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

21. Mid shot of girl walking over to the bathroom cupboard.

22. Close up of hand getting out pills.

23. Extreme close up of putting pills in hand.

24. Close up of girls face taking a deep breathes.

25. Flashback to long shot of Psychiatrist – “you’re just going to have to live with this for the rest of your life.”

26. Flashback back girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

27. Mid shot of girl dropping her robe from behind.

28. Close up of feet when the robe drops.

29. Fade into close up of girl’s face in the bath.

30. Close up of girl’s face slowly going under the water.

31. Point of view shot of girl closing her eyes – fade to black.

32. Title page – Mort de Conscience.

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Storyboard Feedback

Group members

Sam Trusler, Alex O’Connor, Rachel Helsby and Molly Clifton


A girl is haunted by her conscience and is driven to insanity and tops herself in the tub. Flashbacks.


– lots of central storyboard shots

– use of media language

– detail of storyboard

– storyboard is organised

– framing is well done

– variation of shots types

Areas to Improve

1. Close up of feet, crack of door opening. Eyeline match. High angle.

3. Close up of turning of the page,  POV. lighting change from 3 to 5.

4. Close up – same 3 shots at different distances. lighting dimmed.

5. Consider filming and also photograph (freeze frame) close up of mouth etc.

6. Shot of close up again- high angle looking down to her eye.

7. Point of view to show dazzed nature (blurrryness).

8. Mise En Scene, prop elements = tablets (see 21) mirror reflection showing girl – hitcock?

9. Sheet at different shot distances (close point of view).

10. Different distances.

11. Legs walking close up. Pan = shot duration.

12. Shots of window being open (lengths of shot).

13. Pan + Zooms.

14. Eye, hand trembling close up.

15. Frame locations = hands, sink, face.

16. Over the shoulder/under the shoulder to point of view.

17. Frame smaller items.

18. Close up of mirror reflection (mirror-metif).

20. Different angles and distances.

21. GOOD!!!

24. Closer – Extreme.

26. Close ups.

27. Chloe wear robe whole time in bathroom —> psycho.

28. Follow on to foot getting into bath.

       Turn tap off.

       Close up of tap dripping.

31. Pan of close up of hair in water,

Fade flash of Molly in bath.

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Filming Risk Assesment

We have produced a risk assesment for our filming so that we can ensure that we will be safe throughout.

Item Level Of Risk Methods of Avoidance
Chloe doesn’t arrive at location  


We will text her or call her the night before we are due to film to make sure that she remembers and that she arrives on time.
Camera Doesn’t Work  


We will take two cameras to the location to avoid the risk.
Camera Runs Out of Battery  


We will fully charge the battery for the camera and take a second spare battery incase the first one runs out of charge.
Chloe drowns in the water  


We will not allow her to be under the water for longer than necessary and we will check with her that she is able to breathe.
Unable to use the bathroom location at Alex’s house  


Check with Alex and her family to assure that the location will be available for the entire filming time.
Chloe scared of being under the water  


Check with Chloe that she does not have this fear and if she does, hire another actor.
Sam unable to join the group filming because of the location (girl’s toilets)  


Film in the location after school times so that he will be able to join the group as everyone will have gone home.
Cameraman or actor becomes ill  


Make sure that we have a backup camera man and actor to ensure that we can stick to the deadlines
People getting in the way of filming. 6 Film at a less busy time (e.g. after school)

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Costume, Props, Setting and Mise En Scene


Chloe (protagonist): For the flashbacks, mainly the colour white so theres is a contrast between her and the ghost. Casual clothing so the audience can relate to the main character. School uniform for some of the flashbacks. Dressing gown before she gets into the bath.

Molly (antagonist): Mainly black clothes throughout so there is a contrast and also creating a dark image.

Sam (doctor): Stereotypical doctors uniform


  • Book – Used in one of the flashbacks when Chloe is sitting on a bed reading.
  • Pills – Major part of the story line, used to trigger off a flashback.
  • Radio – Triggers off another flashback
  • Mirror – Used when the ghost can be seen in the reflection.
  • Taps – Used to run the bath
  • School toilets – Signifying her age and that she’s still at school
  • Bath – The main prop thats used. Repetion of the bath the whole way through.

The various props and costumes used relate to the target audience as the characters are the same age as the target audience. The props are used in everyday life so therefore the audience can relate to it when watching. The costumes used are very casual therefore the majority of the audience wear them clothes also.


The main setting of the film is in the bathroom as this is where the main action takes back. The flashbacks are various places from the young girls (Chloes) life i.e school, home. The bathroom setting is very minimalistic as it is all white. This can represent a relation to the clothes Chloe was previously wearing, or can show a contrast between cleanliness and the scary situation. The other settings i.e school are very normal so there is a contrast. This also relates to the target audience as school is a big part of their age group so can therfore relate to it.

Mise en Scene

In order to make our thriller engaging and effective, we need to make it believable. The way to make it look realistic we need the setting and lighting to look it. The lighting we will use in places other than the bathroom will be from simple lighting. However, the bathroom lights will be off and there will be a spotlight on the bath for there to be a contrast between the present story and the flashbacks. The setting were using is very realistic as were not using a set up or green screen, there all places that the audience can relate to.

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Story Board Problems

We’ve had a bit of technical trouble over the weekend with our storyboard images. We decided to take photos for out storyboard rather than draw them out, but this has caused a problem with uploading them to the computer so sar far we have the pictures… they’re just stuck on a camera!

Here are the images that we do have…

1.Establishing shot of girl walking into bathroom.

2.Close up of hand turning on light to bathroom.

3.Flash back of medium shot sitting in her bedroom alone reading a book on her bed.

4.Lights go out.

5.Girl screaming as she heard someone turn the light off

6.Girl goes over to turn the light back on

7.Walk back to bed heavy breathing from shock

8.Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

9.Close up to girl turning on the radio

10.Extreme close up of girls’ eyes when she hears the song that plays.

11.Flashback to her walking past the house with the same song playing.

12.Close up of girl doing the same expression as before.

13.Long shot of girl walking down the road.

14.Mid shot of girl turning round to see if anyone is behind her.

15.Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

16.Mid shot of girl walking over to the bath turning the tap on.

17.Flashback to girl turning the tap on in the school toilets.

18.Mid shot of girl looking up and seeing someone behind her.

19.Mid shot of girl putting her head down to get the image out of her head.

20.Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

21.Mid shot of girl walking over to the bathroom cupboard.

22.Close up of hand getting out pills.

23.Extreme close up of putting pills in hand.

24.Close up of girls face taking a deep breathes.

25.Flashback to long shot of Doctor – “you’re just going to have to live with this for the rest of your life.”

26.Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

27.Mid shot of girl dropping her robe from behind.

28.Close up of feet when the robe drops.

29.Fade into close up of girl’s face in the bath.

30.Close up of girl’s face slowly going under the water.

31.Point of view shot of girl closing her eyes – fade to black.

32.Title page – Mort de Conscience.

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Stuck for Ideas in Media?

Hmmm, this is what happens when you are! …

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Shot Order For Thriller Storyboard

1.Establishing shot of girl walking into bathroom.

2.Close up of hand turning on light to bathroom.

3.Flash back of medium shot sitting in her bedroom alone reading a book on her bed.

4.Lights go out.

5.Girl screaming as she heard someone turn the light off

6.Girl goes over to turn the light back on

7.Walk back to bed heavy breathing from shock

8.Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

9.Close up to girl turning on the radio

10.Extreme close up of girls’ eyes when she hears the song that plays.

11.Flashback to her walking past the house with the same song playing.

12.Close up of girl doing the same expression as before.

13.Long shot of girl walking down the road.

14.Mid shot of girl turning round to see if anyone is behind her.

15.Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

16.Mid shot of girl walking over to the bath turning the tap on.

17.Flashback to girl turning the tap on in the school toilets.

18.Mid shot of girl looking up and seeing someone behind her.

19.Mid shot of girl putting her head down to get the image out of her head.

20.Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

21.Mid shot of girl walking over to the bathroom cupboard.

22.Close up of hand getting out pills.

23.Extreme close up of putting pills in hand.

24.Close up of girls face taking a deep breathes.

25.Flashback to long shot of Doctor – “you’re just going to have to live with this for the rest of your life.”

26.Flashback back long shot girl standing in the bathroom shaking her head trying to get the flashback out of her mind.

27.Mid shot of girl dropping her robe from behind.

28.Close up of feet when the robe drops.

29.Fade into close up of girl’s face in the bath.

30.Close up of girl’s face slowly going under the water.

31.Point of view shot of girl closing her eyes – fade to black.

32.Title page – Mort de Conscience.

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Soundtrack Research

 We need to do some research into what different soundtracks are used in thrillers. This is because when we make our thriller opening sequence, we will be using a soundtrack at the beginning as this will make it much more professional and it will also create an effective mise en scene for the viewer. The soundtrack will create a mise en scene that denotes fear into the audience’s minds which will create suspense and tension as the action begins.


In order to see how professional thrillers use soundtracks in their openings, we had to research and analyse different horrors to see what effect they had and how this aided their production. The first thriller that we looked at was ‘The Butterfly Effect’, here it is below; 

The sound for a soundtrack is non-diegetic as the characters in the shots cannot hear this type of music, it is purely for the benefit of the audience, this is because the soundtrack is there to add to the mise en scene. In the opening of ‘The Butterfly Effect’ the soundtrack begins with an ambient sound that changes in dynamics to create a crescendo that develops through the opening sequence. This type of music creates a sense of suspense for the audience. The soundtrack then gradually turns into a fast paced drum beat that mimics that of a heart beat denoting that central character/possible protagonist is tense about something, it also connotes to the audience that the character is experiencing fear. The sound matches the action on screen as the character is seen to be rushing around, the character then hastily scribbles a note which leaves the audience wondering what has happened. 

The soundtrack used in ‘The Butterfly Effect’ relates to our media project as we will probably be using some form of ambient sound during our editing process. This type of music creates the effective ‘horror’ mise en scene that we are trying to create with our opening sequence. The heartbeat is also extremely effective in the soundtrack, we could try to use this style of drumbeat in our editing to create tension for the audience.


Another thriller that we looked at while doing our research into thriller soundtracks was ‘Creep’. Here is the first 6 minutes of the opening sequence: 

The first 2 minutes and 40 seconds play a non-diegetic soundtrack to accompany names of the people who made the film, including the directors and producers. As the titles play, the soundtrack is that of again an ambient sound. This sound however is combined with other sound motifs for example the sound of a train pulling into a station and the sound of a train’s breaks screeching as it comes to a standstill. These sounds have been added to the ‘Creep’ opening sequence as the setting of the film is an underground train station – I think that adding in these extra sounds creates an excellent mise en scene for the opening, it sets the scene while denoting the setting to the viewer in a subtle manor. 

The soundtrack for ‘Creep’ is very successful in creating the right atmosphere for the viewer and I think that when we come to edit our opening sequence, we will use some of the techniques that ‘Creep’ uses. An example of where we could use this would be to add things like running water into our soundtrack as parts of the opening for our thriller are set in a bathroom. 

Soundtracks are used in openings to films for many reasons, they help ease the audience until a film by adding non-diegetic sound into the mise en scene. For example, in a comedy the music would be light and cheerful with high pitched tones to add to the lighter side of the film whereas in a horror the music is likely to be more subdued and of a lower pitch – this represents a different tone of feeling for the viewer. A soundtrack could also be used to make the opening more enjoyable for the viewer as an opening needs to grab the audience’s attention right from the start – a soundtrack helps to achieve this. 

When we edit our thriller we will need a good soundtrack to accompany the footage on screen. We will be using different types of sound to create a soundtrack that is effective with our thriller opening, in order to do this we will be using sound effects and music in our soundtrack. I think that a sound that will definitely be used in our soundtrack that has been decided through analysing different thriller openings will be an ambient sound as this is used in lots of thrillers as it sets the correct mise en scene that he editors desire. Other sounds that we will probably add to our soundtrack will be the sound of a tap dripping, a heartbeat (in order to create tension), a light switch turning off, heavy breathing and screaming. These sound will either be made by my group, or taken from a database and added into our soundtrack. 

A further thing that we will have to consider when we make our soundtrack will be our target audience. From their views, we will make a soundtrack to see what they prefer in a horror soundtrack. This will assure that the soundtrack that we create will be popular with our target audience and therefore, they will enjoy the opening to our film.

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Ideas for Thriller Opening

After alot of discussion about our ideas for our Thriller opening sequence, we have come to a well adapted ideas that will keep the audience in suspense and wanting to watch more to resolve the plot shown from just a couple of minutes of the opening.

Our Thriller opening is going to be made up of two linked narratives. This will be made up of happenings in the character’s everyday life being affected by the feeling of being controlled by someone else. The main events of the sequence will be filmed in a bathroom, which is usually a private place which relates to the character’s problems with not being able to escape out of never feeling alone.

 During the characters actions we will show 4 significant activities taken out while in the bathroom which will remind the character of things that have happened in the past. These will be shown in 4 different episodes following the activity by the character.

Firstly, the character is seen walking into the bathroom and switching on the light. This change in lighting reminds her of the time she was alone in her bedroom and the light went off on its own. The flashback shows her being in her room when the light goes out, she can hear the click of the light switch like someone had turned it off. She gets up and turns it on; it turns on fine, which makes her paranoid.

Secondly, the character is seen turning on the radio before getting into the bath, the song that comes on the radio will immediately remind her of something that happened in the past, the film will flashback to the action that happened which relates to the song. In this case we will explore the time she walked passed which looked like a deserted house playing the music. Alone she walks passed the house, however she hears breathing behind her. There is no one there.

Third, the character is seen turning the tap on of the bath, this will show a flashback of the character being at school, using the taps. The character looks in the mirror to find someone behind her in her reflection, as she turns round there is no one there again.

Finally the plan to kill herself is unveiled as she gets into the bath she puts some pills in her hand. The sound of the pills and placing in her hand flashbacks to the appointment she had with a Doctor when she was much younger with him quoting “you’re just going to have to live with this for the rest of your life.” The scene is back in the bathroom, showing her dropping her robe and getting into the bath.

Finally the scene will end on a shot of the character’s face slowly going under the water. As she is doing so her eyes will be closing which will be represented through a point of view shot. This will finish in a fade to black which will then fade into the title of the thriller film.

The use of the flashback seen in ‘Saw 3’. Here they use reference to colour and lighting to make it obvious the differences in time.

Furthermore, the film ‘What Lies Beneath’ shows reference to two of the activities we are going to include in our opening sequence. We can get ideas from this clip on how to represent the mise en scene to produce a realistic scene.

We believe this is a good idea as it follows on from our research that the most popular film sub-genre is psychological. Most modern thriller films have aspects of psychology in them. This is also going to be reflected in our opening sequence as our target audience are most interested in watching this.

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How To Make A Good AS Media Blog

We made a video to help people to understand how they make a good AS blog, here it is below.


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How Will The Primary Research Affect My Thriller Coursework?


The research that my group did for the Thriller Project is going to influence how I will carry out my project in a number of ways. It has enabled me to realise what my target audience want from a thriller and also how these things can be conveyed to the screen. 

My Group made a questionnaire and got people from our target age range to answer it so that we could see what they thought about different aspects of thrillers. We wanted to find out how we could make the thriller the most appealing to the audience. We asked questions about how the viewer liked to see a thriller, for example; did they prefer lots of small events or one big event and what genre did they prefer? These answers enabled us to gain a clear idea of what the audience would want to see in a thriller and the answers that we gained from doing the questionnaire will effect the way we plan to do our thriller coursework. 

The next thing that we did to aid our research was an interview. In our interview we asked 16-18 year olds questions about what type of thrillers that they liked and what they liked most about thrillers. We also asked the questions that we asked in our questionnaire as in the interview the interviewee has time to expand on their answers and they are not restricted by paper they are able to just talk freely. The interview also allows the interviewee to talk about things that are not set questions in the interview and they are more likely to give their honest opinion on subjects. The interview will affect my coursework as we will use the results when we plan our opening sequence as we want to give the viewer what they want from a thriller movie. 

We also made a group blog for our research project as then we could use it to make polls and to also allow people to comment on the blog with their own ideas for how they would like a thriller to develop. The blog also allowed us to update anyone who was interested on what we were doing within the project. The blog will affect my coursework as we will use the polls that were on the blog to develop our ideas on what people like. The blog helped us to target a wider range of people than the 16-18 year olds that we questioned originally. 

We researched the top ten thrillers and the top ten psychological thrillers these findings will affect my coursework as we studied the films and specific scenes to see what made them so good, we are planning to use some of the ideas generated from this particular research in our opening sequence. We will also use this information to see how we can make our thriller popular with our audience. 

The next research that we did was to experiment with camera techniques and the effect that mise en scene, angles and shots could have on the viewer. We also used this to see how some of the small ideas that we had conveyed onto the camera so we could see what might work well when we do our filming. This research also shows us examples of what doesn’t work well on camera so that we do not waste time when we do our actual filming for our project. This also helped us experiment with a few editing techniques that we might use for our coursework. 

Overall, I think that our research was really effective as we have learnt lots about what our target audience requires from a thriller movie. We put our research into a PowerPoint and did the presentation to the class – this presentation scored 25/25 which my group were happy about as we had put lots of time and effort into finding the information. I think that our research has gone really well and will help the group when we begin to brainstorm ideas for our opening sequence.

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How Did the Research Presentation go?

The presentation that our group did to the class about research went really well. I think that we presented it well although there were one or two technical hitch’s!


We managed to score 25/25 for our presentation which we are all immensely proud of as we put a lot of time and effort into finding out the information and making the presentation. The presentation lasted for quite a long time as it included videos, music, live interviews and trailers along with speech accompanying the slides. I think that our group worked well as a team as we managed to get all of the work done in time for the presentation to be shown and we each had different roles within the group and worked well together.


We have found the research that we did to be useful in deciding how to make our thriller opening sequence and we will be using the information that we found out when we plan for our thrillers.


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Research Powerpoint Presentation


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