
Name The Characters:

  • Dr Jefferson : Mr Parry
  • Aimee : Chloe Shepherd
  • Coletta : Molly Clifton

Outline Of Thriller:

Aimee (protagonist) has been attempting to drown herself. She does not go through with it. She is being haunted by Colletta (antagonist; Amiee’s conscience). Amiee cannot get rid of Colletta haunting her. Everything she does a flashback of Colletta comes back to haunt her. Aimee can’t take it anymore and results to commiting suicide to kill her conscience.

Thriller Conventions:

  • A narrative pattern of establishing enigmas which the viewer expects to be resolved. The flashbacks makes it obvious to the audience of the experiences Aimee is going through, which give a reason behind her actions at the end of the film.
  • A protagonist who is systematically dis-empowered and drawn into a complex web of intigue by the antagonist. Aimee is being pulled down by Colletta, there is no way she can be stopped.
  • Themes of mirroring. The first part of the sequence shows the protagonist’s attempt of suicide, this is mirrored at the end where she takes our her actions for a second time.
  • Themes of voyeurism. The protagonist is being watched throughout the film by the audience and the antagonist. References to mirrors are used alot to catch the action of the main character without making it obvious someone is watching her.
  • Protagonist with a ‘flaw’ which is exploited by the antagonist. The protagonist’s thoughts of her conscience is being exploited by the flashbacks that are occuring with the power of the antagonist.

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