Monthly Archives: December 2009

How To Make A Good AS Media Blog

We made a video to help people to understand how they make a good AS blog, here it is below.


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How Will The Primary Research Affect My Thriller Coursework?


The research that my group did for the Thriller Project is going to influence how I will carry out my project in a number of ways. It has enabled me to realise what my target audience want from a thriller and also how these things can be conveyed to the screen. 

My Group made a questionnaire and got people from our target age range to answer it so that we could see what they thought about different aspects of thrillers. We wanted to find out how we could make the thriller the most appealing to the audience. We asked questions about how the viewer liked to see a thriller, for example; did they prefer lots of small events or one big event and what genre did they prefer? These answers enabled us to gain a clear idea of what the audience would want to see in a thriller and the answers that we gained from doing the questionnaire will effect the way we plan to do our thriller coursework. 

The next thing that we did to aid our research was an interview. In our interview we asked 16-18 year olds questions about what type of thrillers that they liked and what they liked most about thrillers. We also asked the questions that we asked in our questionnaire as in the interview the interviewee has time to expand on their answers and they are not restricted by paper they are able to just talk freely. The interview also allows the interviewee to talk about things that are not set questions in the interview and they are more likely to give their honest opinion on subjects. The interview will affect my coursework as we will use the results when we plan our opening sequence as we want to give the viewer what they want from a thriller movie. 

We also made a group blog for our research project as then we could use it to make polls and to also allow people to comment on the blog with their own ideas for how they would like a thriller to develop. The blog also allowed us to update anyone who was interested on what we were doing within the project. The blog will affect my coursework as we will use the polls that were on the blog to develop our ideas on what people like. The blog helped us to target a wider range of people than the 16-18 year olds that we questioned originally. 

We researched the top ten thrillers and the top ten psychological thrillers these findings will affect my coursework as we studied the films and specific scenes to see what made them so good, we are planning to use some of the ideas generated from this particular research in our opening sequence. We will also use this information to see how we can make our thriller popular with our audience. 

The next research that we did was to experiment with camera techniques and the effect that mise en scene, angles and shots could have on the viewer. We also used this to see how some of the small ideas that we had conveyed onto the camera so we could see what might work well when we do our filming. This research also shows us examples of what doesn’t work well on camera so that we do not waste time when we do our actual filming for our project. This also helped us experiment with a few editing techniques that we might use for our coursework. 

Overall, I think that our research was really effective as we have learnt lots about what our target audience requires from a thriller movie. We put our research into a PowerPoint and did the presentation to the class – this presentation scored 25/25 which my group were happy about as we had put lots of time and effort into finding the information. I think that our research has gone really well and will help the group when we begin to brainstorm ideas for our opening sequence.

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How Did the Research Presentation go?

The presentation that our group did to the class about research went really well. I think that we presented it well although there were one or two technical hitch’s!


We managed to score 25/25 for our presentation which we are all immensely proud of as we put a lot of time and effort into finding out the information and making the presentation. The presentation lasted for quite a long time as it included videos, music, live interviews and trailers along with speech accompanying the slides. I think that our group worked well as a team as we managed to get all of the work done in time for the presentation to be shown and we each had different roles within the group and worked well together.


We have found the research that we did to be useful in deciding how to make our thriller opening sequence and we will be using the information that we found out when we plan for our thrillers.


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