Daily Archives: 2 October, 2009

Camera Shots and Angles Used In ‘Test Anxiety’

In my media edit of ‘Test Anxiety’, I tried to combine a variety of media shots and angles to obtain the desired affect from the viewer. I wanted the viewer to understand the angst of the central characters while they are doing an important test.

The Video below shows the camera shots that I used in my video, I will explain them underneath…

Extreme Close Up

This shot runs for approximately two seconds and it shows the pressure that the girl sitting the exam is under. She is looking straight ahead and has tears in her eyes to show the audience that she is extremely nervous for her test. The extreme close up is used to show detail which another shot would not be able to achieve. In an extreme close up, we do not see the surrounding scene – just the subject which can make people ask certain things ‘Where are they?’, ‘what’s happening?’ for example.

Wide Shot

This shot runs for three seconds (approx). The shot shows the entire class sitting the exam and it allows the audience to know what is actually happening in the scene. The audience can identify with the shot because they have probably all experienced sitting a test and know how the characters are feeling at this point. A wide shot is where subjects take up as much of the frame as possible; it establishes the mise en scene and has a balance between the characters and the background.

Close Up – High Angle

This shot lasts for approx 2 seconds and is showing the central protagonist writing her exam. The shot is a high angle because is shows that the character is nervous and also feeling weak compared to the audience. Shots that are from a high angle denote that the opposing character is powerful and has strength as they are looking down on the character.

Close Up

This particular close up shot lasts for approximately 3 seconds and is of a girl writing the answers to her test. A close up is used here to clarify that it is a test and also to reveal the exact point where the pencil breaks and to show the detail to great effect. Close ups are usually of heads and shoulders but can focus on specific subjects, as mine does. They can be used to show expressions and emotions of characters.

Point Of View Shot

This shot is used throughout the rest of the edit as it enables the audience to envisage themselves in the production. They make a viewer fell as though they are there when the action is taking place, which helps them to relate to the media. Point of View shots show a view from the subject’s perspective and they are edited so that the viewer is aware who’s point of view they are seeing.

I have used the above shots in editing my footage to allow the production to flow more easily. The shots have had the effect that I desired on the viewer, and I think that they convey text anxiety effectively.

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